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art about art
Gender furrow
Coloured pencil / handmade paper, 77 x 64 cm, 1974
Coloured pencil / handmade paper, 64x77cm, 1974
Sesostris III
pencil & emulsion paint on newspaper 78 x 56 cm,1975
womens neck, right turn
colour pencil, 77x60cm, 1974
Hunting scene I
colour pencil on newspaper, 77x57cm, 1974
Hunting scene II
black ink on newspaper, 80x57cm, 1974
Gaul and his wife
coloured pencil on newspaper 80x56cm ;1975
coloured pencil on newspaper, 80x56cm, 1975
coloured pencil on newspaper 78x56cm, 1975
homage for C.D.Friedrich
coloured pencil on newspaper, 80x59cm, 1976
Visiting Picasso
65x80cm, 1977
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